LZ2PCB-5 messages

fromtotime message
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/30 15:37:23z Send another FORTUNE.A man who keeps stealing mopeds is an obvious cycle-path.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/30 15:21:51z Send another FORTUNE.Anyone can make an omelet with eggs. The trick is to make one with none.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/30 15:06:20z Send another FORTUNE.Restaurant package, not for resale.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/30 14:50:50z Send another FORTUNE.Herth's Law: He who turns the other cheek too far gets it in the neck.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/30 14:35:21z Send another FORTUNE.He is a man capable of turning any colour into grey. -- John LeCarre
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/30 14:04:20z Send another FORTUNE.Appendix: A portion of a book, for which nobody yet has discovered any use.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/30 13:48:51z Send another FORTUNE.Danger: do not shake.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/30 13:33:20z Send another FORTUNE."You must have an IQ of at least half a million." -- Popeye
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/30 13:17:51z Send another FORTUNE.Your canceled check is your receipt.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/30 13:02:19z Send another FORTUNE.I never did it that way before.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/30 12:46:51z Send another FORTUNE."It is easier to port a shell than a shell script." -- Larry Wall
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/30 12:31:21z Send another FORTUNE."Pok pok pok, P'kok!" -- Superchicken
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/30 12:15:52z Send another FORTUNE.Tonight you will pay the wages of sin; Don't forget to leave a tip.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/30 12:00:20z Send another FORTUNE.Small is beautiful.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/30 09:25:21z Send another FORTUNE.Are we live or on tape?
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/30 09:09:51z Send another FORTUNE.Edwin Meese made me wear CORDOVANS!!
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/30 08:54:24z Send another FORTUNE.The discerning person is always at a disadvantage.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/30 07:21:21z Send another FORTUNE."I have a bone to pick, and a few to break." -- Anonymous
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/30 07:05:51z Send another FORTUNE.No sooner said than done -- so acts your man of worth. -- Quintus Ennius
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/30 06:50:20z Send another FORTUNE.You will overcome the attacks of jealous associates.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/30 06:03:51z Send another FORTUNE.Not only is UNIX dead, it's starting to smell really bad. -- Rob Pike
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/30 05:17:20z Send another FORTUNE.It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/30 05:01:52z Send another FORTUNE.Support your local Search and Rescue unit -- get lost.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/30 04:15:21z Send another FORTUNE.Everything can be filed under "miscellaneous".
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/30 03:59:51z Send another FORTUNE.The best laid plans of mice and men are usually about equal. -- Blair
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/30 03:44:20z Send another FORTUNE.That must be wonderful: I don't understand it at all. -- Moliere
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/30 02:57:54z Send another FORTUNE.War spares not the brave, but the cowardly. -- Anacreon
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/30 02:11:21z Send another FORTUNE.Contents may settle during shipment.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/30 01:55:54z Send another FORTUNE.I don't even butter my bread. I consider that cooking. -- Katherine Cebrian
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/30 01:40:24z Send another FORTUNE.To be who one is, is not to be someone else.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/30 01:24:51z Send another FORTUNE.Invest in physics -- own a piece of Dirac!
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/30 01:09:24z Send another FORTUNE.What is now proved was once only imagin'd. -- William Blake
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/30 00:53:54z Send another FORTUNE.Put not your trust in money, but put your money in trust.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/30 00:38:22z Send another FORTUNE.Love cannot be much younger than the lust for murder. -- Sigmund Freud
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/30 00:22:51z Send another FORTUNE.I just need enough to tide me over until I need more. -- Bill Hoest
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/30 00:07:23z Send another FORTUNE.You are standing on my toes.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 23:51:51z Send another FORTUNE.When in doubt, follow your heart.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 23:05:21z Send another FORTUNE.Awright, which one of you hid my PENIS ENVY?
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 22:49:52z Send another FORTUNE.Always draw your curves, then plot your reading.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 22:34:22z Send another FORTUNE.Honk if you are against noise pollution!
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 22:18:52z Send another FORTUNE.Licensed and bonded.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 22:03:22z Send another FORTUNE.QOTD: "If I could walk that way, I wouldn't need the cologne, now would I?"
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 21:47:52z Send another FORTUNE.Write a wise saying and your name will live forever. -- Anonymous
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 21:32:22z Send another FORTUNE.See label for sequence.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 21:16:52z Send another FORTUNE.Bondage maybe, discipline never! -- T.K.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 21:01:22z Send another FORTUNE.My mother wants grandchildren, so I said, "Mom, go for it!" -- Sue Murphy
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 20:30:23z Send another FORTUNE.I'm having a RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE ... and I don't take any DRUGS
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 20:14:51z Send another FORTUNE.try again
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 19:28:24z Send another FORTUNE.The best way to avoid responsibility is to say, "I've got responsibilities."
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 19:12:53z Send another FORTUNE.Dry clean only.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 18:57:22z Send another FORTUNE.The future is a myth created by insurance salesmen and high school counselors.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 18:41:53z Send another FORTUNE.From the cradle to the coffin underwear comes first. -- Bertolt Brecht
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 17:55:22z Send another FORTUNE.It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to have to paint it. -- Steven Wright
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 17:39:53z Send another FORTUNE.You cannot kill time without injuring eternity.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 17:24:22z Send another FORTUNE.It is only people of small moral stature who have to stand on their dignity.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 17:08:54z Send another FORTUNE.You will be awarded some great honor.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 16:53:24z Send another FORTUNE.Cynic, n.: Experienced.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 16:37:55z Send another FORTUNE.Before Xerox, five carbons were the maximum extension of anybody's ego.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 16:22:23z Send another FORTUNE.Iowa State -- the high school after high school! -- Crow T. Robot
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 16:06:51z Send another FORTUNE.This is the LAST time I take travel suggestions from Ray Bradbury!
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 15:51:22z Send another FORTUNE.The days are all empty and the nights are unreal.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 14:18:24z Send another FORTUNE.I'm going to raise an issue and stick it in your ear. -- John Foreman
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 13:31:52z Send another FORTUNE.A handful of friends is worth more than a wagon of gold.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 13:16:22z Send another FORTUNE.A bird in the hand is worth what it will bring.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 13:00:52z Send another FORTUNE.The truth is rarely pure, and never simple. -- Oscar Wilde
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 12:29:52z Send another FORTUNE.Wad some power the giftie gie us To see oursels as others see us. -- R. Burns
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 11:58:53z Send another FORTUNE.How come we never talk anymore?
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 10:56:52z Send another FORTUNE.Procrastination means never having to say you're sorry.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 10:25:53z Send another FORTUNE.One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters. -- George Herbert
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 10:10:26z Send another FORTUNE.Time and tide wait for no man.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 09:54:53z Send another FORTUNE.Whenever people agree with me, I always think I must be wrong. -- Oscar Wilde
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 08:52:55z Send another FORTUNE.Professional driver on closed track.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 08:37:23z Send another FORTUNE.So you're back... about time...
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 08:06:23z Send another FORTUNE."Can you program?" "Well, I'm literate, if that's what you mean!"
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 07:50:53z Send another FORTUNE.You will be run over by a beer truck.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 07:35:23z Send another FORTUNE.'Scuse me, while I kiss the sky! -- Robert James Marshall (Jimi) Hendrix
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 07:19:53z Send another FORTUNE.Don't SANFORIZE me!!
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 06:48:53z Send another FORTUNE.I wonder if I should put myself in ESCROW!!
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 06:33:23z Send another FORTUNE.It's lucky you're going so slowly, because you're going in the wrong direction.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 05:46:52z Send another FORTUNE.Half Moon tonight. (At least it's better than no Moon at all.)
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 05:31:22z Send another FORTUNE.Keep America beautiful. Swallow your beer cans.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 05:15:54z Send another FORTUNE.The man who runs may fight again. -- Menander
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 04:44:57z Send another FORTUNE.Beam me up, Scotty, there's no intelligent life down here!
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 04:13:55z Send another FORTUNE.Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 03:58:23z Send another FORTUNE.The person who makes no mistakes does not usually make anything.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 03:42:56z Send another FORTUNE.Are you selling NYLON OIL WELLS?? If so, we can use TWO DOZEN!!
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 03:27:23z Send another FORTUNE.The three best things about going to school are June, July, and August.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 02:40:53z Send another FORTUNE.Sacred cows make great hamburgers.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 02:25:23z Send another FORTUNE.Am I elected yet?
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 01:23:24z Send another FORTUNE.Don't stop to stomp ants when the elephants are stampeding.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 01:07:58z Send another FORTUNE. "The jig's up, Elman." "Which jig?" -- Jeff Elman
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/29 00:36:52z Send another FORTUNE.Happiness is a hard disk.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/28 23:50:24z Send another FORTUNE.A door is what a dog is perpetually on the wrong side of. -- Ogden Nash
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/28 22:32:54z Send another FORTUNE.Man who falls in vat of molten optical glass makes spectacle of self.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/28 22:01:53z Send another FORTUNE.No Canadian coins.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/28 21:46:27z Send another FORTUNE.Keep away from edge.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/28 21:30:53z Send another FORTUNE.Absence makes the heart grow fonder. -- Sextus Aurelius
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/28 21:15:23z Send another FORTUNE.Time sharing: The use of many people by the computer.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/28 20:59:54z Send another FORTUNE.Bounders get bound when they are caught bounding. -- Ralph Lewin
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/28 20:44:24z Send another FORTUNE.Yow! I'm imagining a surfer van filled with soy sauce!