PD0RH-10 messages

fromtotime message
WHO-IS PD0RH-10 10/14 12:55:19z Reply format is an invalid command!{OQ}FK
PD0RH-10 WHO-IS 10/14 12:55:19z Send another graag een freq for qso{FK}OP
WHO-IS PD0RH-10 10/14 12:54:37z Reply PA4JV:Velserbroek Netherlands{OP}FJ
WHO-IS PD0RH-10 10/14 12:54:37z Reply PA4JV:IJsselaak 1{OO}FJ
WHO-IS PD0RH-10 10/14 12:54:37z Reply PA4JV:Jack Varkevisser/F{ON}FJ
PD0RH-10 WHO-IS 10/14 12:54:37z Send another f PA4JV{FJ}
PD0RH-10 PA4JV-9 10/14 12:47:27z Send another qrv op welke freq?{FG}
PA4JV-9 PD0RH-10 10/14 12:46:18z Reply AA:Sorry, kan nu even niet antwoorden, probeer voice
PD0RH-10 PA4JV-9 10/14 12:46:07z Send another Gd Om tks fer using my gatewy{FF}
PD0RH-10 PD0RH-7 10/13 14:33:08z Send another hehe het werkt was weer een )(*&^%^%$# klote vinkje in de settings{EY}
WHO-IS PD0RH-10 10/13 14:25:38z Reply PD0RH:Julianadorp NH Netherlands{OM}EX
WHO-IS PD0RH-10 10/13 14:25:38z Reply PD0RH:Wierbalg 1148{OL}EX
WHO-IS PD0RH-10 10/13 14:25:38z Reply PD0RH:Ruud Hoogerhuis/N{OK}EX
PD0RH-10 WHO-IS 10/13 14:25:38z Send another f PD0RH{EX}
PD0RH-10 PD0RH-7 10/13 14:24:40z Send another test om te kijken of het rf gedeelte werkt...{EW}
WHO-IS PD0RH-10 10/13 13:51:47z Reply N/Ruud Hoogerhuis/NH/Netherlands{OJ}FZ
PD0RH-10 WHO-IS 10/13 13:51:46z Send another PD0RH{FZ}
PD0RH-10 WHO-IS 10/12 15:45:04z Send another AA:tks fer msg 73 Ruud de PD0RH
WHO-IS PD0RH-10 10/12 15:14:08z Reply Paul Fokke/Netherlands{OI}FY
PD0RH-10 WHO-IS 10/12 15:14:08z Send another PA2PF{FY}
PA0RNH-9 PD0RH-10 09/22 14:31:20z Reply hi{0
PD0RH-10 PA7X-2 08/27 11:54:44z Send another Ik denk dat het handig is om jouw failover bij te laten staan..QSL{HL}
PD0RH-10 PA7X-2 08/27 11:53:53z Send another test{HK}
PD0RH-10 PA7X-2 08/27 11:53:06z Send another test{HJ}
PD0RH-10 PA7X-2 08/27 11:52:17z Send another test{HI}
PD0RH-10 PA7X-2 08/27 11:51:16z Send another test{HH}
PD0RH-10 PA7X-2 08/27 11:51:02z Send another test
PD0RH-10 PA7X-2 08/27 11:50:43z Send another test{HG}
PD0RH-10 PA7X-2 08/27 11:50:29z Send another test{HF}
PD0RH-10 PA7X-2 08/27 11:50:07z Send another test{HE}
PD0RH-10 PA7X-9 08/27 04:55:33z Send another klklklk{HD}
PD0RH-10 PA7X-9 08/27 04:55:29z Send another haaalllooooo{HC}
PD0RH-10 PA7X-9 08/27 04:55:18z Send another test{HB}
PD0RH-10 PA7X-9 08/27 04:55:15z Send another test{HA}
PD0RH-10 PA7X-9 08/27 04:53:34z Send another test{GZ}
PD0RH-10 PA7X-9 08/27 04:52:25z Send another test{GY}
PD0RH-10 PA7X-9 08/27 04:52:20z Send another test{GX}
PD0RH-10 PA7X-9 08/26 21:30:31z Send another test{GW}
PD0RH-10 PA7X-9 08/26 13:10:16z Send another rij ff langs mij...{GV}
PD0RH-10 PA7X-2 08/26 00:13:14z Send another fail-over gectiveerd dient te worden.{GU}
PD0RH-10 PA7X-2 08/26 00:13:14z Send another Weet niet of PD0RH-10 on-air blijft tijdens vakantie. Denk dat de+{GT}
PD0RH-10 PA7X-2 08/26 00:03:59z Send another test2{GS}
PD0RH-10 PA7X-2 08/25 23:59:13z Send another test{GR}
PD0RH-10 PD0RH-7 08/25 10:28:25z Send another test nog een keer{YT}
PD0RH-10 PD0RH-7 08/25 10:25:51z Send another test{YS}
PD0RH-10 PA1ZF-7 08/25 10:25:25z Send another qth freq pa7x en pd0rh is 431.550{YR}
PD0RH-10 PA1ZF-7 08/25 10:21:27z Send another PI2TXL up 430.500/88,5 down 438.100/88,5{YQ}
PD0RH-10 PA1ZF-7 08/25 10:18:27z Send another F1 kijken op Texel{YP}
PD0RH-10 PA1ZF-7 08/25 10:18:01z Send another die is knap...hihi...{YO}
PD0RH-10 PA1ZF-7 08/25 10:17:42z Send another Je symol is een runner en je gaat 81 km/h op de N99???{YN}
PD0RH-10 PA1ZF-7 08/25 10:11:29z Send another Bevalt de FT-5D? Heb er hier ook 1 met de camaera mike{YM}
PD0RH-10 PA1ZF-7 08/25 10:09:56z Send another 73 Ruud.....PD0RH (Sysop van de APRS I-gate){YL}
PD0RH-10 PA1ZF-7 08/25 10:09:06z Send another volgens mij zit jij op de boot... ;-){YK}
PD0RH-10 PA7X-2 08/24 12:22:02z Send another had ik al goede middag gezegd??{YJ}
PD0RH-10 PA7X-2 08/24 01:45:36z Send another research in progress....{ZI}
PD0RH-10 PA7X-2 08/24 01:45:22z Send another Maar de PHG cirkels kloppen niet...{ZH}
PD0RH-10 PA7X-2 08/24 01:44:56z Send another PHG aangepast naar de werkelijkheid...{ZG}
PD0RH-10 PE1BMM-13 08/24 01:26:06z Send another GE OM, Waar krijg jij jouw WX data vandaan??{AH}
PD0RH-10 PA0SMY 08/24 01:25:05z Send another 73 Ruud PD0RH{AG}
PD0RH-10 PA0SMY 08/24 01:24:50z Send another GN OM, Waar haal jij de WX data vandaan??{AF}
EMAIL-2 PD0RH-10 08/24 01:22:48z Reply Email sent to jhkanon@gmail.com{FQ}AE
PD0RH-10 EMAIL-2 08/24 01:22:47z Send another jhkanon@gmail.com dingetje....{AE}FP
EMAIL-2 PD0RH-10 08/24 01:22:47z Reply Email sent to jhkanon@gmail.com{FP}AD
PD0RH-10 EMAIL-2 08/24 01:22:46z Send another jhkanon@gmail.com Heb een WX port gemaakt maar dat is ff een+{AD}
PD0RH-10 PA7X-2 08/24 00:51:14z Send another U-Blox GPS muis via USB eraan geknoopt en werkt..!!!{NP}
PD0RH-10 PA7X-2 08/23 23:52:53z Send another test uiview32{06
PD0RH-10 PA7X-2 08/23 23:46:17z Send another Of is het allemaal maar een geintje....???{KM}
PD0RH-10 PA7X-2 08/23 23:45:48z Send another Gaan we nou nog eens iets leuks doen ???{KL}
PA7X-2 PD0RH-10 08/22 21:21:06z Reply OGRT 6.08km E OGRT Office Red Cross
PA7X-2 PD0RH-10 08/22 21:19:45z Reply OGRT 18.3km NNW OGRT Office Red Cross
PA7X-2 PD0RH-10 08/22 21:16:40z Reply \Ben er jij ook ?{HF}KK
PA7X-2 PD0RH-10 08/22 21:15:56z Reply hey jij daar{HE}KK
PD0RH-10 PA7X 08/22 21:09:58z Send another dat is toch veel te vroeg kongen....{KH}HA
PD0RH-10 PA7X-2 08/22 20:59:20z Send another Hallo ???{KK}HD
PD0RH-10 WHO 08/22 20:58:42z Send another wat is jouw qth Douwe{KG}
PD0RH-10 PA7X-2 08/22 20:58:18z Send another BEn je er nou of niet{KJ}HD
PD0RH-10 PA7X-2 08/22 20:57:30z Send another ja wat{KI}HD
PA7X-2 PD0RH-10 08/22 08:22:56z Reply hey jij daar{HD}KE
PA7X PD0RH-10 08/22 04:02:01z Reply Mogge Ruud{HA}KE
WHO-IS PD0RH-10 08/21 17:31:45z Reply F/Douwe (Dan) Brouwer/Netherlands{AO}KF
PD0RH-10 WHO-IS 08/21 17:31:44z Send another PA7D{KF}
PD0RH-10 PA7X 08/21 17:29:57z Send another aha ja dus....want ik krijg hier een ack van jou{KE}
PD0RH-10 PA7X 08/21 17:29:30z Send another doet ie het?{KD}
PD0RH-10 PD9WTN-7 08/21 12:48:57z Send another hi terug{KC}
PD0RH-10 PA7X-9 08/20 13:56:03z Send another en thuis,,,{KB}
PD0RH-10 PA7X-9 08/20 11:28:49z Send another goed gedaan jochie!!!!{KA}
PD0RH-10 PA7X-9 08/20 11:24:15z Send another .........{JZ}
PD0RH-10 PA7X-9 08/20 11:24:11z Send another ..........{JY}
PD0RH-10 PA7X-9 08/20 11:24:06z Send another .............{JX}
PD0RH-10 PA7X-9 08/20 11:24:02z Send another ..............{JW}
PD0RH-10 PA7X-9 08/20 11:23:58z Send another .............{JV}
PD0RH-10 PA7X-9 08/20 11:23:45z Send another ............{JU}
PD0RH-10 PA7X-9 08/20 11:23:41z Send another ...............{JT}
PD0RH-10 PA7X-9 08/20 11:23:37z Send another ................{JS}
PD0RH-10 PA7X-9 08/20 11:23:33z Send another doei.................{JR}
PD0RH-10 PA7X-9 08/20 11:23:19z Send another want ik zie je rijden{JQ}
PD0RH-10 PA7X-9 08/20 11:23:08z Send another ok dan naar huis{JP}
PD0RH-10 PA7X-9 08/20 11:19:19z Send another Verrassing...{JO}
PD0RH-10 PA7X-9 08/20 11:18:42z Send another Ik heb hier iets voor je klaarliggen{JN}
PD0RH-10 PA7X-9 08/20 11:18:21z Send another JAn rij ff langs mij...{JM}