VE4DRC-7 messages

fromtotime message
VE4GLS VE4DRC-7 09/24 00:13:08z Reply Yes very muddy yet. Still puddles in low spots. Need that dry wx!{52
VE4DRC-7 VE4GLS 09/24 00:12:24z Send another You probably need another week to get back in field {24
VE4GLS VE4DRC-7 09/24 00:11:18z Reply rgr.. nice weather, guess we paid for it with rain..{51
VE4DRC-7 VE4GLS 09/24 00:10:50z Send another Way above normal temps coming this week{23
VE4GLS VE4DRC-7 09/24 00:10:12z Reply I guess..{50
VE4GLS VE4DRC-7 09/24 00:10:11z Reply Rgr. Doesn't seem like it's that time but the calander says it is{49
VE4DRC-7 VE4GLS 09/24 00:09:38z Send another One more weekend... shutting down next weekend {22
VE4GLS VE4DRC-7 09/24 00:08:17z Reply Back from the lake life for a while? :){48
VE4DRC-7 VE4GLS 09/17 01:12:41z Send another Rr{21
VE4GLS VE4DRC-7 09/17 01:12:22z Reply rgr. Think I'm going horizontal soon CUL!{46
VE4DRC-7 VE4GLS 09/17 01:11:25z Send another Nothing at Spruce Sands, 6 mm in Winnipeg {20
VE4GLS VE4DRC-7 09/17 01:10:21z Reply get much up north?{45
VE4GLS VE4DRC-7 09/17 01:09:54z Reply Rgr was fairly dry before now very wet...{44
VE4DRC-7 VE4GLS 09/17 01:02:35z Send another Going to take a while to dry out{19
VE4GLS VE4DRC-7 09/17 01:01:49z Reply bit more rain than what we needed though.{43
VE4GLS VE4DRC-7 09/17 01:01:32z Reply Mostly soybeans, still green not ready yet.{42
VE4DRC-7 VE4GLS 09/17 01:00:57z Send another How much harvest left to do{18
VE4GLS VE4DRC-7 09/17 00:59:52z Reply Rgr almost 60mm worth. Might need some help building an ark...{41
VE4DRC-7 VE4GLS 09/16 23:16:00z Send another Looks like your getting your fair share of rain{17
VE4DRC-7 VE4GLS 08/25 20:38:48z Send another 86% here{16
VE4GLS VE4DRC-7 08/25 20:11:56z Reply 30C feels like 46 here... 75? humility..{40
VE4DRC-7 VE4GLS 08/25 20:10:03z Send another Really muggie...25 feels like 35{15
VE4GLS VE4DRC-7 08/25 19:45:32z Reply now.{39
VE4GLS VE4DRC-7 08/25 19:45:30z Reply We got some drizzle around noon for an hour or so, hot and muggy{38
VE4DRC-7 VE4GLS 08/25 16:27:00z Send another And down to a nice slow by rain{14
VE4DRC-7 VE4GLS 08/25 16:15:01z Send another Heavy rain here right now{13
VE4DRC-7 VE4GLS 08/25 16:13:54z Send another Roger that{12
VE4GLS VE4DRC-7 08/25 16:13:18z Reply Hope the hatches are battened down!{37
VE4GLS VE4DRC-7 08/24 13:53:44z Reply Yes winter crops came off in late July. I seeded a bit later here{36
VE4DRC-7 VE4GLS 08/24 12:22:29z Send another Seen the first combine 2 weeks ago in barley up here{11
VE4GLS VE4DRC-7 08/24 12:21:04z Reply rained a couple days ago still drying out from that.{35
VE4DRC-7 VE4GLS 08/24 12:19:47z Send another Fog just rolled in here...heavy fog{10
VE4GLS VE4DRC-7 08/24 12:16:23z Reply foggy here this am, very damp humid air mass!{34
VE4GLS VE4DRC-7 08/24 12:15:36z Reply Not yet, might start this afternoon if the rain holds off..{33
VE4DRC-7 VE4GLS 08/24 12:12:10z Send another Have you started harvest?{9
VE4GLS VE4DRC-7 08/24 12:11:27z Reply while they were at lunch. :){32
VE4GLS VE4DRC-7 08/24 12:10:21z Reply No, but they had a bucket loader for a bit I hauled in some dirt..{31
VE4DRC-7 VE4GLS 08/23 22:23:14z Send another Did you get the play on the excavator?{8
VE4DRC-7 VE4GLS 08/23 22:23:00z Send another Rr{7
VE4GLS VE4DRC-7 08/23 22:17:04z Reply Paula and I hdg to chickenland for dinner.. Catch u next time!{30
VE4GLS VE4DRC-7 08/23 22:13:53z Reply had to replace a culvert, old one rotted out and was caving in..{29
VE4GLS VE4DRC-7 08/23 22:13:12z Reply Not that new, maybe 10 yrs..{28
VE4DRC-7 VE4GLS 08/23 22:12:46z Send another Looks like new laser level{6
VE4DRC-7 VE4GLS 08/23 22:11:48z Send another Will have a look{5
VE4GLS VE4DRC-7 08/23 22:11:21z Reply Sent u a picture. Had some toys to play with yesterday..{27
VE4GLS VE4DRC-7 08/23 22:08:35z Reply Enjoying your summer I see!{26
VE4DRC-7 VE4GLS 08/23 22:07:57z Send another Good afternoon Gord{4
VE4GLS VE4DRC-7 08/23 22:07:04z Reply Good afternoon!{25
VE4GLS VE4DRC-7 08/05 13:35:58z Reply Rgr. Morning net a flop, solar flare or something today..{24
VE4DRC-7 VE4GLS 08/05 13:32:36z Send another Looks like rain come in the middle of the week{3
VE4GLS VE4DRC-7 08/05 13:32:03z Reply Rgr nice to work-weather..{23
VE4DRC-7 VE4GLS 08/05 13:26:03z Send another It's a nice break from the heat{2
VE4GLS VE4DRC-7 08/05 13:25:38z Reply Same here, winter parka time hi hi..{22
VE4DRC-7 VE4GLS 08/05 13:25:09z Send another Roger Roger 15C right now up here{1
VE4GLS VE4DRC-7 08/05 13:24:16z Reply Good morning Dale nice day for a walk!{21