WB5YYQ-7 messages

fromtotime message
WB5YYQ-7 WB5YYQ-2 10/01 18:56:28z Send another test msg via APRS in Austin{83
SMS WB5YYQ-7 09/07 21:33:31z Reply @9792185374 Received.{942
WB5YYQ-7 SMS 09/07 21:31:52z Send another @9792185374 Test from D74a ht.{79
WB5YYQ-7 BLN 09/07 21:25:58z Send another LeeCo ARES Training Net - 147.22 every Mon @ 7pm.
WB5YYQ-7 WB5YYQ 09/06 00:07:50z Send another Howdy!{77
WB5YYQ WB5YYQ-7 09/05 18:30:32z Reply HOWDY{m0001
WB5YYQ-7 WB5YYQ-2 09/05 15:51:47z Send another testing{75
WB5YYQ-7 WB5YYQ 09/05 15:49:46z Send another testing{76
WB5YYQ-7 WB5YYQ-2 09/05 15:46:54z Send another yo{74
WB5YYQ WB5YYQ-7 09/05 15:44:10z Reply howdy{3
WB5YYQ-7 WB5YYQ-2 09/04 00:40:32z Send another howdy{73
WB5YYQ-7 WB5YYQ 09/04 00:37:01z Send another Howdy{72
WB5YYQ-7 WB5YYQ 09/04 00:35:36z Send another Hey{71
WB5YYQ WB5YYQ-7 09/04 00:34:12z Reply testing, testing, testing{2
MPAD WB5YYQ-7 08/28 00:34:29z Reply 78942, United States{LC
MPAD WB5YYQ-7 08/28 00:34:23z Reply Addr: 715, East Washington Street, Giddings, Lee County, Texas,{LB
MPAD WB5YYQ-7 08/28 00:34:17z Reply UTM 14R 699296 3341151 MGRS 14RPU9929541151 LatLon 30.1855/-96.93{LA
MPAD WB5YYQ-7 08/28 00:34:11z Reply Pos for WB5YYQ-7 Grid EM10me84 DMS N30.11'7.8/W96.55'48.0{KZ
WB5YYQ-7 MPAD 08/28 00:34:04z Send another whereami{69
WB5YYQ-7 MPAD 08/27 19:06:55z Send another help{68
MPAD WB5YYQ-7 08/27 19:03:23z Reply radiosonde landing predictions{JP
MPAD WB5YYQ-7 08/27 19:03:17z Reply calculations,satellite passes&frequency data,DAPNET messaging,{JO
MPAD WB5YYQ-7 08/27 19:03:11z Reply repeater data lookups,CWOP reports,METAR and TAR reports,celestial{JN
MPAD WB5YYQ-7 08/27 19:03:05z Reply Supports: Wx forecasts,position reporting,OSM category searches,{JM
MPAD WB5YYQ-7 08/27 19:02:59z Reply See https://github.com/joergschultzelutter/mpad for command syntax{JL
WB5YYQ-7 MPAD 08/27 19:01:49z Send another repeater{67
WB5YYQ-7 MPAS 08/27 19:01:47z Send another whereami{66
MPAD WB5YYQ-7 08/27 19:00:04z Reply FM EM10ic82{JK
MPAD WB5YYQ-7 08/27 18:59:58z Reply node 2414. See http://stats.allstarlink.org/nodeinfo.cgi?node=2414{JJ
MPAD WB5YYQ-7 08/27 18:59:52z Reply location Dst 21 mi 253 deg WSW 147.2000+0.6 MHz Enc 103.5 Allstar{JI
WB5YYQ-7 MPAD 08/27 18:59:36z Send another satpass iss{65
MPAD WB5YYQ-7 08/27 18:56:28z Reply Alt 10 deg Az 136 deg Dst 261mi Vis N{JH
MPAD WB5YYQ-7 08/27 18:56:22z Reply ISS pass for WB5YYQ-7 UTC Rise 28-Aug 06:56 Culm 06:59 Set 07:03{JG
WB5YYQ-7 MPAD 08/27 18:56:00z Send another giddings,tx{64
MPAD WB5YYQ-7 08/27 18:52:12z Reply wind:8-13mph ESE-SE cld:100% hPa:1017-1019{JF
MPAD WB5YYQ-7 08/27 18:52:06z Reply today Giddings,TX PartlyCloudy Day:84F Eve:79F avghum:76% uvi:9.9{JE
WB5YYQ-7 WX0NET 08/15 19:58:55z Send another WB5YYQ,Calvin Burnham,Giddings,TX USA APRS{63
SMS WB5YYQ-7 08/05 00:01:42z Reply @9792185374 Testing from iPhone{2209
WB5YYQ-7 SMS 08/04 23:54:08z Send another @9792185374 this is a test{61
WB5YYQ-7 MPAD 08/04 23:46:49z Send another help{60
WB5YYQ-7 MPAD 08/04 23:43:46z Send another info{59
MPAD WB5YYQ-7 08/04 23:43:16z Reply radiosonde landing predictions{SN
MPAD WB5YYQ-7 08/04 23:43:10z Reply calculations,satellite passes&frequency data,DAPNET messaging,{SM
MPAD WB5YYQ-7 08/04 23:43:04z Reply repeater data lookups,CWOP reports,METAR and TAR reports,celestial{SL
MPAD WB5YYQ-7 08/04 23:42:58z Reply Supports: Wx forecasts,position reporting,OSM category searches,{SK
MPAD WB5YYQ-7 08/04 23:42:52z Reply See https://github.com/joergschultzelutter/mpad for command syntax{SJ
MPAD WB5YYQ-7 08/04 23:41:54z Reply radiosonde landing predictions{SI
MPAD WB5YYQ-7 08/04 23:41:48z Reply calculations,satellite passes&frequency data,DAPNET messaging,{SH
MPAD WB5YYQ-7 08/04 23:41:42z Reply repeater data lookups,CWOP reports,METAR and TAR reports,celestial{SG
MPAD WB5YYQ-7 08/04 23:41:36z Reply Supports: Wx forecasts,position reporting,OSM category searches,{SF
MPAD WB5YYQ-7 08/04 23:41:30z Reply See https://github.com/joergschultzelutter/mpad for command syntax{SE