VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,KB8UVN-7:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a Common Grackle for the 749th time
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,KB8UVN-7:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a Black-capped Chickadee for the 1633rd time
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,KB8UVN-7:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a Black-capped Chickadee for the 1636th time
VE3QBZ-7>ID,qAR,KB8UVN-7:!4313.16N/07937.92WBPacket Node 14105 LSB 145.750 VHF FN03EF
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,F4IKH-1:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a House Sparrow for the 7937th time
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,ECHO-10:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a Northern Cardinal for the 375th time
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,ECHO-10:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a American Goldfinch for the 257th time
VE3QBZ-7>ID,qAR,ECHO-10:!4313.16N/07937.92WBPacket Node 14105 LSB 145.750 VHF FN03EF
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,ECHO-10:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a Northern Cardinal for the 377th time
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,ECHO-10:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a American Goldfinch for the 258th time
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,ECHO-10:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a Common Grackle for the 751st time
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,ECHO-10:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a Northern Cardinal for the 388th time
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,ECHO-10:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a Northern Cardinal for the 391st time
VE3QBZ-7>ID,qAR,ECHO-10:!4313.16N/07937.92WBPacket Node 14105 LSB 145.750 VHF FN03EF
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,ECHO-10:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a Common Grackle for the 752nd time
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,ECHO-10:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a American Goldfinch for the 261st time
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,ECHO-10:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a House Sparrow for the 7940th time
VE3QBZ-7>ID,qAR,ECHO-10:!4313.16N/07937.92WBPacket Node 14105 LSB 145.750 VHF FN03EF
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,ECHO-10:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a House Sparrow for the 7941st time
VE3QBZ-7>ID,qAR,ECHO-10:!4313.16N/07937.92WBPacket Node 14105 LSB 145.750 VHF FN03EF
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,ECHO-10:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a House Sparrow for the 7942nd time
VE3QBZ-7>ID,qAR,ECHO-10:!4313.16N/07937.92WBPacket Node 14105 LSB 145.750 VHF FN03EF
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,ECHO-10:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a Trumpeter Swan for the 61st time
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,ECHO-10:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a American Goldfinch for the 262nd time
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,ECHO-10:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a Dark-eyed Junco for the 400th time
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,ECHO-10:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a Black-capped Chickadee for the 1646th time
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,ECHO-10:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a Dark-eyed Junco for the 405th time
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,ECHO-10:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a Black-capped Chickadee for the 1647th time
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,ECHO-10:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a House Sparrow for the 7943rd time
VE3QBZ-7>ID,qAR,ECHO-10:!4313.16N/07937.92WBPacket Node 14105 LSB 145.750 VHF FN03EF
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,ECHO-10:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a House Finch for the 210th time
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,ECHO-10:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a House Sparrow for the 7944th time
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,ECHO-10:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a Dark-eyed Junco for the 410th time
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,ECHO-10:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a Dark-eyed Junco for the 411st time
VE3QBZ-7>ID,qAR,ECHO-10:!4313.16N/07937.92WBPacket Node 14105 LSB 145.750 VHF FN03EF
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,ECHO-10:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a Dark-eyed Junco for the 418th time
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,ECHO-10:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a House Sparrow for the 7945th time
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,ECHO-10:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a Northern Cardinal for the 401st time
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,ECHO-10:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a Northern Cardinal for the 403rd time
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,ECHO-10:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a Black-capped Chickadee for the 1648th time
VE3QBZ-7>ID,qAR,ECHO-10:!4313.16N/07937.92WBPacket Node 14105 LSB 145.750 VHF FN03EF
VE3QBZ-7>ID,qAR,HP2DFA-5:!4313.16N/07937.92WBPacket Node 14105 LSB 145.750 VHF FN03EF
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,HP2DFA-5:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a American Goldfinch for the 264th time
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,HP2DFA-5:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a American Goldfinch for the 265th time
VE3QBZ-7>ID,qAR,HP2DFA-5:!4313.16N/07937.92WBPacket Node 14105 LSB 145.750 VHF FN03EF
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,HP2DFA-5:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a House Sparrow for the 7956th time
VE3QBZ-7>ID,qAR,KB8UVN-7:!4313.16N/07937.92WBPacket Node 14105 LSB 145.750 VHF FN03EF
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,KB8UVN-7:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a American Goldfinch for the 270th time
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,KB8UVN-7:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a House Sparrow for the 7992nd time
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,KB8UVN-7:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a House Finch for the 217th time
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,KB8UVN-7:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a American Goldfinch for the 271st time
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,KB8UVN-7:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a House Sparrow for the 7993rd time
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,KB8UVN-7:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a American Goldfinch for the 272nd time
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,KB8UVN-7:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a Wild Turkey for the 1083rd time
VE3QBZ-7>ID,qAR,KB8UVN-7:!4313.16N/07937.92WBPacket Node 14105 LSB 145.750 VHF FN03EF
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,KB8UVN-7:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a House Sparrow for the 7994th time
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,KB8UVN-7:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a Hairy Woodpecker for the 2nd time
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,KB8UVN-7:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a American Goldfinch for the 273rd time
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,KB8UVN-7:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a Blue Jay for the 804th time
VE3QBZ-7>ID,qAR,KB8UVN-7:!4313.16N/07937.92WBPacket Node 14105 LSB 145.750 VHF FN03EF
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,KB8UVN-7:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a House Finch for the 218th time
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,KB8UVN-7:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a House Sparrow for the 7996th time
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,KB8UVN-7:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a American Goldfinch for the 274th time
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,KB8UVN-7:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a House Finch for the 219th time
VE3QBZ-7>ID,qAR,KB8UVN-7:!4313.16N/07937.92WBPacket Node 14105 LSB 145.750 VHF FN03EF
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,KB8UVN-7:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a American Goldfinch for the 275th time
VE3QBZ-7>ID,qAR,KB8UVN-7:!4313.16N/07937.92WBPacket Node 14105 LSB 145.750 VHF FN03EF
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,KB8UVN-7:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a Dark-eyed Junco for the 421st time
VE3QBZ-7>FLOCK,qAR,KB8UVN-7:VE3QBZ-7 just heard a Dark-eyed Junco for the 425th time