WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::M0JXE :Blacon in h light rain T:14.04C,W137@8.37,H69,P1013hPa,rain 0.25mm,{XV
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::M0JXE :clouds 40 %{XW
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 10127 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 10127 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::BLN0 :WxBot 1.22 RO weather forecast via APRS message.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::BLN1 :Send a message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::BLN2 :see https://sites.google.com/site/ki6wjp/wxbot
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 10127 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 10127 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::KD9PEY-9 :Stevens Point clear sky T:22.01C,W79@4.93,H54,P1020hPa,rain mm,clou{XX
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::KD9PEY-9 :Stevens Point clear sky T:22.01C,W79@4.93,H54,P1020hPa,rain mm,clou{XZ
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::KD9PEY-9 :Stevens Point clear sky T:22.01C,W79@4.93,H54,P1020hPa,rain mm,clou{YB
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::KD9PEY-9 :Stevens Point clear sky T:22.37C,W79@4.93,H53,P1020hPa,rain mm,clou{YD
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 10131 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 10131 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 10131 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::M0OUE-7 :ack38
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::M0OUE-7 :Burtonwood in h light rain T:11.97C,W127@7.5,H76,P1011hPa,rain 0.75{YF
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::M0OUE-7 :mm,clouds 40 %{YG
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::KC1PXL-7 :South Daytona in h light rain T:30.81C,W241@2.34,H73,P1012hPa,rain{YH
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::KC1PXL-7 :0.29mm,clouds 75 %{YI
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::M0OUE-7 :ack40
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::M0OUE-7 :Burtonwood in h light rain T:11.17C,W127@7.5,H80,P1011hPa,rain 0.75{YJ
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::M0OUE-7 :mm,clouds 40 %{YK
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 10134 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 10134 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::KQ4CNL-7 :Madison in 12h clear sky T:15.66C,W289@0.43,H96,P1011hPa,rain 0mm,c{YL
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::KQ4CNL-7 :louds 0 %{YM
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 10135 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::KC1PXL-7 :Daytona Beach in h moderate rain T:29.74C,W239@1.84,H77,P1012hPa,ra{YN
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::KC1PXL-7 :in 5.02mm,clouds 71 %{YO
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::BLN0 :WxBot 1.22 RO weather forecast via APRS message.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::BLN1 :Send a message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::BLN2 :see https://sites.google.com/site/ki6wjp/wxbot
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 10141 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 10141 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::LA2BSA-7 :Unable to find location for LA2BSA-7{YP
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 10141 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 10141 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::JQ7BJB :Ōtera in 6h overcast clouds T:18.09C,W122@2.12,H85,P1021hPa,rain 0m{YQ
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::JQ7BJB :m,clouds 99 %{YR
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::JQ7BJB :Ōtera in 12h overcast clouds T:22.93C,W114@3.56,H69,P1016hPa,rain 0{YS
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::JQ7BJB :mm,clouds 87 %{YT
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 10143 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 10143 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 10143 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 10143 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::BLN0 :WxBot 1.22 RO weather forecast via APRS message.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::BLN1 :Send a message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::BLN2 :see https://sites.google.com/site/ki6wjp/wxbot
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::KG4ZIE-1 :Brentwood Estates in 24h overcast clouds T:23.43C,W350@1.6,H69,P101{YU
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::KG4ZIE-1 :2hPa,rain 0mm,clouds 94 %{YV
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 10144 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 10144 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 10144 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 10144 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 10144 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 10144 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 10144 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 10144 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::BLN0 :WxBot 1.22 RO weather forecast via APRS message.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::BLN1 :Send a message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::BLN2 :see https://sites.google.com/site/ki6wjp/wxbot
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 10144 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 10144 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 10144 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 10144 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 10144 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 10144 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 10144 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 10144 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::BLN0 :WxBot 1.22 RO weather forecast via APRS message.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::BLN1 :Send a message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::BLN2 :see https://sites.google.com/site/ki6wjp/wxbot
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 10144 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 10144 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 10144 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 10144 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 10144 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 10144 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 10144 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 10144 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::BLN0 :WxBot 1.22 RO weather forecast via APRS message.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::BLN1 :Send a message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::BLN2 :see https://sites.google.com/site/ki6wjp/wxbot
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::IU5AZM :Vergemoli in h light rain T:13.47C,W207@1.98,H76,P1021hPa,rain 0.24{YW
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::IU5AZM :mm,clouds 93 %{YX
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 10145 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 10145 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 10145 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::JQ7BJB :Ōtera in 6h scattered clouds T:16.14C,W68@0.76,H95,P1015hPa,rain 0m{YY
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::JQ7BJB :m,clouds 33 %{YZ
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::JQ7BJB :Ōtera in 6h scattered clouds T:16.14C,W68@0.76,H95,P1015hPa,rain 0m{ZA
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::JQ7BJB :m,clouds 33 %{ZB
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::JQ7BJB :Ōtera in 6h scattered clouds T:16.14C,W68@0.76,H95,P1015hPa,rain 0m{ZC
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::JQ7BJB :m,clouds 33 %{ZD
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 10148 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 10148 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.